Tuesday 17 August 2010

A Castle Fit for a King

At the weekend we went back to Hadleigh only this time we was more successful in finding the Castle. As we walked up the cobble path towards the historic site, Joshua was first to spot the castle. His little face lit up as he started to shout, "we found the castle!".

A bit of low level base jumping. Jumping whilst carrying Brandon and holding Joshua's hand is great for the spine (NOT!).

The castle is not fit for a King, it is fit for 3 King's.

How did the boys get all the way up there?............I wonder.

This was not one of Joshua's better ideas. Fortunately I stopped him from going any further.

If you ask me these next two pictures are absolutely stunning.
A bit of hiking.

Another very nice picture of Brandon with the castle in the background.

Boys will be boys and they will climb anything and everything.

Sitting in a medieval fireplace.

Trying to hide from Mummy, but Joshua kept popping his head up to take a peek.

Enjoying the view.

And after all the running around and climbing it was picnic time.

After the castle we went on to visit Hadleigh farm to feed some animals, but that can wait until another blog.

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