Thursday, 12 August 2010

Ten Pin Games

Most people are probably expecting today's blog update to be about our visit to DiggerLand. However that will have to wait until tomorrow whilst I sift through the hundreds of pictures taken! Anyway remember the other day I mentioned Joshua's hip and trendy abbreviating language skills? Well his two new ones are "nap" used in the context, "Brandon you need you nap changed" and even better than that, today he started calling his brother "Brand". I am not aware of anyone calling Brandon, "Brand", so this is a completely new one thought up by Joshua.

Anyway how much fun can you have with an over sized set of garden ten pin bowls. Well see below. I started teaching Joshua and Brandon the art of bowling yesterday evening.

Brandon never quite got the idea and the pins that the first ball did not knock over were subsequently either brutally kicked or whacked down!

We had to be a bit lenient on Brandon's distance to the pins as he is a bit small. So he ended up virtually standing on top of them and throwing the ball downwards.

After the conventional bowling we tried out a few new games with the pins. First was to place them all in one big line and play in and out the dusty bluebells. Obviously the name of the game was to try not to knock the pins over.

Joshua passes the test.

Brandon failed the test and instead went along the line knocking the pins down!

The next game we played was called the wall. Faced with a wall of pins the 3 of us linked hands and then after a "1", "2", "3" we charged into the pack trying to knock over as many as possible.

The last game was called the race track. A circle of pins which you had to run around and around. Then when I said "In the middle" you had to jump into the ring without knocking the pin over.

The boys seemed to enjoy the games and we had tears and temper tantrums when it was tidy time and ready for bed. But the games were a major success, both boys got some exercise and wore themselves out before bedtime.

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