So our day started with the big dumper trucks and this was to be Brandon’s first age kickback (don’t worry we fixed this later in the day so he got to have a go). Joshua did absolutely outstanding on this and virtually steered around the whole track with just a little guidance to tell him when to go straight and when to turn the corner.

I overheard a few people at Digger Land saying that the theme park is bit small and not much to do there. I would have to disagree completely as we were there for 5 hours and barely stopped to catch our breath. During this time I would say there was probably another 6 or so attractions which we did not go on because of the boy’s size. So how on earth these people cannot fill a whole day there is beyond me. I think if we go again next year our biggest problem will be trying to drag the boys away from the theme park as I think they would happily sleep there!
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