Wednesday 11 August 2010

Once upon a time.........

Here is a picture taken a few weeks ago of the boys meeting their old buddy Big Chris and Roary at Festival Leisure Park. Whilst the boys love Roary I think the Big Chris character was a bit overwhelming for them.

One thing I have prided myself on is maintaining the bedtime routine of reading at least one or two stories to the boys. Brandon now also enjoys story time so often I end up with Josh on one knee and Brandon on the other as we read through some books. I treasure this time with the boys and use it to to quiz them on identifying pictures in the books.

In this book the story is based around the hand puppet called Dudley. Joshua used to be a little scared of Dudley but now loves this book and finds it hilarious. Brandon listens intently but will not touch Dudley or give him a good night kiss. The real funny page is where Dudley is driving his car and has to sing an awful song - Joshua starting singing "roooaaaar rooooaar roooaaar".

We always finish the story with the words "The End" which both boys now understand. I often turn the last page and both boys will say "The End".

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