"Daddy day care" day 2 saw me take the boys on a bit of a nature trail through Hanningfield reservoir. We had an absolute blast and the boys seemed to have become Olympic champions at puddle jumping. So much for the cream leather interior on the car. The shoes and socks are still outside drying and the boys needed a good scrub down in the bath.
The day started with the boys climbing this bench in order to spot the sheep in the field opposite.

The boys seemed to have walked/run for absolute miles and we managed to find 3 of the bird hides. One of the hides become our picnic location as we unfortunately got caught in a little rain shower. This just added to the adventure though and fortunately I had rain coats for the boys, so no harm done.
Anyway here are the young bird watchers in action.

And this is the view across the reservoir. The picture does not show it but there must have been about 100 birds along the waters edge. In addition to this we also spotted 3 squirrels during our escapades.

Whilst inside one of the hides Joshua managed to knock over one of the wooden benches and it fell right across my big toe! (Ouch). Definitely one of those bite the tongue moments. Brandon has also learnt the word ouch now and has become a little bit of a whinger lately. With the slightest little knock or if he drops a toy car on his foot he says "ouch" and then comes running up to you expecting you to rub the limb better for him.

All 3 of us in one of the bird hides.

I was teaching Joshua the Billie Goat Gruff story and we were all "trip tropping" across the bridges. This actually became quite funny as we bumped into a group a 4 "senior" ramblers and Joshua shouted at them "Your not coming across my bridge!". At which point I had to explain that he wasn't being rude or nasty, its just the fairy tale that I have been teaching him. At this point they broke into a discussion with Joshua to decide who was the troll and who was the Billie goats!

"Trip, trop, trip, trop............."

This was a nice scenic little pond which we stumbled across. I had to be a bit careful here to keep the boys away from the edge as there was minimal railings.

Throughout the woodland area there are many for the fire beater stations. Joshua was very curious about these and I did try to explain what they were for. He was a bit confused as he couldn't see a fire or fireman Sam.

These next pictures do not do this puddle justice. I have a video clip which is much better and when I showed it to Tina I think her first words were "disgusting". Basically the boys just looped around for about 5 mins running through the puddle and kicking the water as far as possible. Boys will be boys............

Taking a bit of time out to rest on one of the many log benches scattered around.
Brandon was frequently walking ahead of me and Joshua and at time would turn around and say "come on Josh!" - absolutely hilarious. Also on several occasions Joshua would stand there with his arms out and Brandon would just run up to him and say cuddle and then they would both embrace. This was very sweet to watch.

Towards the end of our walk we found this tree/shrub house thingy which the boys claimed as there new house. Joshua was serving ice cream and rolling the logs over. Brandon was picking up stones and spotting lady birds and other bugs. It took some time to prize them away from their new house.

Brandon sitting on one of the log seats in their house.

And then Joshua comes along to join him.

After about 4 hours around the woods and reservoir the boys were once again shattered and as I sit here writing this they are both completely zonked. They must have worked up a real appetite as well given that both of them devoured everything that was put on the dinner and desert plate tonight.
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