Thursday, 30 September 2010

Little Kickers Update

I think Joshua is now in his 3rd term at the Little Kickers football club and he still seems to enjoy it very much. He has made a good friend there, called Samuel, who also goes to his nursery. The last 2 weeks Joshua has been absolutely outstanding at football club. He has required absolutely no guidance or direction from me and has completed the whole class all on his own. He participates in all parts from the warm up, to the games, to the ball control, to the big kicks the goals and then the wind down. Its as if someone has flicked a switch and suddenly everything seems simple and fits into place. Maybe it is because I have backed off a bit, maybe it is because he has his little friend there..............what ever the reason, it is great for him, but bad for me. Why? Well to be honest I enjoyed chasing him around and kicking the ball with him? Now I just get to stand at the side talking with the other parents.

Anyway here he is taking a good crack at the goal.

 What a strike.

This is one of the games they play. The cones on the floor represent a snake and the kids have to straddle walk the length of the snake without touching the snake (because this will wake the snake). Once they have passed the snake they have to run along the court and then blast the football into the goal. The little boy you can see to Joshua's right on the yellow snake is his partner in crime, Samuel.

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