Saturday, 15 January 2011

Tag Team Box Jumping

With all the toys the boys received over Christmas storage (tidy storage to be more specific) has become an issue. Today some of hour prayers were answered when we found this bargain 189 litre storage container and lid. Perfect for a robust toy box. Clearly Joshua has been taking lessons off of auntie Nicky with the "sitting on the toys" and decides to lay across the box to stop Brandon from getting in.

Brandon on the other hand uses his imagination and ingenuity to adapt the lid into a giant size ramp to race his scooby vans down.

And when you get bored with that game, then you drag your elder brother over and tell him to stand at the bottom of the ramp with his legs astride to make a tunnel.

Boys will be boys an before long the toy box had suddenly been turned into a climbing frame with the sofa being the soft landing zone. Not a great idea!!!

This is Brandon's devilish little smile before he launches himself upon the helpless victim laying on the sofa.

3....2....1......lift off. Now thats a big Daddy splat.

To try and preserve the sofa for a few more years I decided to adapt the boys launch pad to utilise the bean bag as opposed to the sofa. Initially the boys found it fun launching themselves off of the box individually.

Check out the air time........

But soon they got bored with waiting for one another to clear the landing zone and either, one was landing on the other, or they were jumping off side by side in tag team formation.

So all those toys they got for Christmas and yet they get more fun from a storage box which we buy them to store all the toys in. Go figure............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow another fun packed day, in the sun at the seaside. The fresh air will do you all good. Hope you are over this lurgy or you'll have to go to docs josh!Jay will say one thing about box, you 4 use to play with the cardboard box the toy came in, that was free, at least this one cost something, so they're not ignoring £100's of pounds of toys for a freebie box! hope they're better soon, it seems to have gone on forever this lurgy.