Well Brandon's birthday 3rd birthday is now history. Archived to the pictures and videos. Now all that remains is a house full of toys which I have got to find homes for (and to think we have only just got things all straightened out after Xmas). The boys now keep reminding me that it is my birthday next, but we don't need to remember that - I say we all forget the Big 40.
Anyway how about this lovely pictures of Joshua giving his birthday brother a hug (both wearing their Mickey mouse party hats).
And here is Brandon starting to tuck into some of his presents. Unfortunately he had football club first thing in the morning, so he only got to open 2 presents before leaving. The rest had to wait until he got back. Notice the new 2012 Olympic track suit he is modelling.
You can almost forget all of Brandon's presents. The key requirement for his birthday was that he got a grey/silver No.3 balloon. All hell would have broken out if he didn't get his birthday balloon.
Here are a selection of presents which Brandon got in the morning. Lots more to come from the family throughout the day.
Now just how apt is this. Brandon sitting on a pile of presents - any guess who bought these presents? Yes Auntie Nicky - hummmm, didn't she used to sit on her toys as well to stop me, Lisa and Min playing.
Eventually he rips into them to find his ice cream play doh making set.
How much attention have you been paying to the previous pictures? Have you been counting how many shirts Brandon has changed into throughout his birthday? It seems that every time he gets a new top, off comes the previous one and on with the new one. He did take quite a liking to this yellow and grey stripey hoody.
His motorbike toy from Nan. Kids have a brutal habit of saying what they see without thinking. When Brandon opened this his comment was "I'm not a baby!". But then he has spent a considerable amount of time playing with this toy yesterday and today so he obviously likes it. Then there was the pink t-shirt that he opened and made the comment, "I'm not a girlie!".
Anyone for some chewy play-doh ice cream with sprinkles?
The second birthday cake of the weekend. Brandon's very own pick of Mickey Mouse. Clearly he is looking forward to Disneyland holiday soon.
Brandon was a bit more successful blowing out the candles today.
So the terrible two's is behind us, and now we are into the "fearsome threes"!