Be careful next time you shop in Tesco's everyone. You have heard about various bugs and spiders getting into shopping bags. Well check out the little monster we found in this weeks shopping.
For the last month or so Brandon has had some really bad bouts of coughing (especially during the night time). Initially we thought it was due to his winter cold, but then the cold went and the coughing stayed. So we decided to get the little guy checked out by the quack and it appears he may well be yet another asthma sufferer. So he now has his own mask and pump which needs to be twice taken daily. Fortunately the mask is yellow (his favourite colour), so at the moment it has been no problem getting him to use this.
And he was so proud of his medicine that he wouldn't part with it and took it upstairs at bed time because apparently it needed a lot more shaking.
We have also been having some problems with Joshua's sleep pattern lately. It seems more often than not he has been waking up anywhere between 1 and 4 and wanting to come into our bed. We are not sure whether he is having bad dreams or what? We have tried various combinations of night lights, star lights, leaving the hall light on etc.etc. Clearly he does not need as much sleep as Brandon who takes after his Mum in that respect and will often sleep from 7pm to 8am no problem. Joshua rarely sleeps in past 6am and is definitely an early riser like me. Sometimes its just too early and he doesn't seem to grasp the concept that he needs to go back to bed.
So the latest trial is with the Disney Cars Go-Glow trainer clock. With this the picture turns from a night scene to a day scene at a time which you can program in. So there is a very clear picture of the moon which indicates that it is still bedtime. The clock also doubles as a night light which also goes out at the programmed morning time. At the moment Joshua is quite excited about his new clock, but tonight is the first trial so lets see how it goes.
Anyway here is Joshua with his new clock all ready for bed.
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