Saturday, 14 January 2012

Lake Meadows Squirrel

So the big question on every ones lips - does the Go Glow clock work. Well I'd have to say yes so far. Joshua has largely stayed in his bed and clearly understands when it is morning and when he can get up. He did wake once at 1:20am, but once I explained Mr Moon was still glowing on his clock, he then stayed in his bed and went back to sleep.

It may have been -3 degrees when we left the house this morning, but it was such a lovely crisp, sunny winters day that I had to get out and do something outdoors with the boys. So we headed over to Lake Meadows for a spot of football and a play in the park.

Here is a lovely picture of the two boys on a swing chair thingy.

Anyone for a spot of horse riding?

Despite the time of year and the cold weather, the lake its self was abundant with geese, ducks and swans.

I also found these two rare monsters lurking around, fortunately they were caged up.

What is the significance of this picture? Why have the boys run across the field and what is Joshua looking at? Any guesses?

It was this lovely little squirrel which has come out of hibernation early to round up a few more acorns.

Finally some picture of little Brandon proudly traversing the big log swing all on his own (of course he had to start from the yellow ropes!).

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