Today's blog update is a bit of a catch up from various days over the last week or so. Firstly to conclude the Easter weekend we managed to squeeze in a trip to Barleylands in addition to the swimming, Duxford etc. We was hoping that Barleylands would have an Easter egg hunt for the boys, but unfortunately there did not appear to be a huge amount laid on. The boys did enjoy having 3 or 4 goes on the mini train.
Joshua and Brandon on the Barleylands mini train. |
Cousin Amy joining the boys on a ride through the farm. |
The boys must have got about 8 or 9 Easter eggs each this year. Needless to say they will be rationed and probably hidden away soon. However Auntie Nicky bought the two boys one of those chocolate Easter eggs which the children can decorate themselves. The boys thoroughly enjoyed squirting the chocolate glue and sticking on all the sweets etc.
Adding some sprinkles to the Easter egg. |
Brandon just getting started on his egg. |
Squeeze me.... |
The squirty chocolate was a bit hard for Brandon, so I squeezed it on and Brandon stuck the sweets down. |
The finished item. How cool. And it has some white chocolate.... |
Everyone knows that I like playing with the boys toys just as much (if not more) than they do. The domino train is still always a winner when we get it out. This was my latest domino creation for the boys to destroy in about 3 seconds flat.
The domino snail......... |
The title of this blog clearly refers to my 40th birthday. As most people know, 40 has been a bit of a mental barrier for me and I have to say that I was not too excited about the big day. To me it just seems like half way through my life, over the hill and on that slippery slope down. One really great thing about this birthday was that it was the first year where both boys really understood it was my birthday and thoroughly enjoyed giving me presents and cards and then singing happy birthday to me. Joshua even woke up the day before my birthday, came downstairs and said "Happy birthday Dad" without any prompt - how sweet.
This was the carrot cake birthday cake which the boys helped make for their Daddy. |
And here they both are helping me blow out all the candles. |
Nicky, Zoe and Amy kindly looked after the boys for the evening of my birthday as Tina took me out for a stunning meal in Jamie Oliver's Barbecoa Resturant near St Paul's Cathedral. One day it will be nice to go somewhere special like this with the boys, but at 3 and 4 years of age fine dining might be a bit too much.
Anyway 40 has been and gone now and if nothing else I can still claim to be arguably one of the strongest and fittest in the family (yes I am blowing my own trumpet). If anyone doubts that statement then check out these strong man pictures lifting an entire car with the boys inside (at this point I should also probably issue and Health and Safety statement or something and say words to the effect of, "don't try this at home").
Press-ups with Joshua in his Little Tykes police car. This should be an Olympic sport at London 2012. |
Clean and jerk with Brandon in his Lightning McQueen car. |
When I am complaining about having a knackered back for the next 6 weeks, then at least you know the reason why. |
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