Thursday, 19 April 2012

Abacus Acceptance for Joshua

Some great news received yesterday. Joshua has been accepted into Abacus Primary School which was our first choice for the boys. Joshua is over the moon with the news as he already has some friends which started there last September and a few of his friends from pre-school will be starting there with him this September. So the countdown starts with only 4 months left at pre-school and nursery before Joshua embarks upon the next phase of his schooling. Time to get saving to buy his first school uniform, yellow polo shirts with a purple sweat shirt and grey trousers. Brandon will be jealous that Joshua gets to wear a yellow shirt every day for school. But the good news for Brandon is that it is about 99% certain he will also get accepted into the same school as sibling applications are the nr.1 category. So he can soon also wear the yellow shirts to school.

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