Saturday 7 April 2012

The Great Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday the boys awoke to find a rather unusual trail of bunny rabbits and footprints running thought the house. This was our first Easter egg trail that we have set out for the boys to get them into the Easter spirit.

The trail went all the way down the stairs.

Through the hallway........

This is a close up of the rabbit and the footprint trail which was left for them.

The Easter rabbit.

The paw print.

The trail continued through the kitchen............

And then finally into the conservatory where it split into two paths.

Joshua is starting to home in on the reward.

And finally found his Smartie Easter egg which he had asked for.

Brandon's Hotwheel Easter egg was soon to follow.
Over the Easter weekend we have done lots of craft type activities with the boys. Yesterday we decorated some eggs and then started to do some colouring on some blank Easter egg cards. I was absolutely shocked to see how Joshua's colouring skills have improved. He was doing a remarkable job of staying in the lines and picking his colours. He was so proud of his work and kept saying that this was for his Granddad and that he hoped he gets better soon. Once the card was finished he sealed it in an envelope and put it in Mummy's bag ready to pass on to Granddad. 

The artist at work doing his Easter card.
Joshua concentrating hard to stay within the lines.

Brandon was also joining in with the craft activities. Tonight he added an Easter table mat to his collection (apparently his one is for his Auntie).

This was Joshua's finished card. It may not look much to some, but to me this is an incredible improvement and some very good colouring for a 4 year old.

Today we continued with the craft activities and made some home made Easter Bunny masks. This involved plenty of cutting and sticking. The finished masks also featured a fluffy nose and some pipe cleaner whiskers.

Brandon with his mask. Whats up duck!

Joshua and his mask (less the whiskers and fluffy nose).

And finally our two pet Easter Bunnies together.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Just wanted to say a big WELL DONE to Joshua on his colouring. I saw the card and it was lovely! Happy Easter to all at Wick Towers xxx