Thursday 18 October 2012

5 Year Old Rockstar

Today was Joshua's 5th birthday and what a full on day it has been to say the least. Very enjoyable but also very stressful at times as both Joshua and Brandon have got a bit excitable at times. Joshua has been very good at letting Brandon open a few of his presents and play with his new toys, but Brandon has been a bit naughty a few times by trying to open presents without Joshua's permission or playing with his toys without asking. He has not quite grasped the concept that it is Joshua's special day.
Brandon did start the day on a high though by giving Joshua his first present and probably one of his favourites. Its a game called Doggie Doo which does exactly what it says on the tin!!!! You feed the doggie treats, pump the handle according to the roll of the dice and see who can scoop the most poop out of the doggies bum. Joshua wanted it and finds it hilarious to play.
Breakfast time and Joshua and Brandon are having a game of Doggie Doo.

We also got Joshua a toy camper van which Brandon seems to have adopted and played with much more than his bigger brother.

Joshua tearing into another of his presents. He was actually really good today and still had presents to open at around 6pm tonight.
A few weeks ago in school assembly the foundation class got to watch an older child play his guitar and sing a song. Joshua was really impressed by his musical talent and has since shown an interest in playing the guitar himself. I think it is great if kids can learn an instrument or another language at a young age so I was keen to exploit this interest further and hence we got him his first acoustic guitar for his birthday. 

Rockstar JJ.

Probably one of the best birthday bargains was a half price 2012 Olympic scooter. Joshua absolutely loves this scooter and is already trying to do tricks and has had one fall!

Birthday boy riding his new scooter to work.

Waiting in a wet playground for school to start.
Joshua had a good birthday at school. He did get get the star of the day but he took some sweets into class for all his friends and they sung happy birthday to him twice throughout the day. He is one of 3 kids out of the 25 that has already turned 5, so one of the older ones. When Joshua got home from school he opened some more presents. Firstly was some new clothes as he has pretty much outgrown his wardrobe, followed by his first skateboard (Moshi Monster) and a set of elbow and knee pads to go with it.

Joshua wearing some of his new clothes and showing off his new skate boarder look.

Not bad for a beginner, but he cannot grasp the concept of leaning his body weight to turn.

Somehow he has already learnt to kick the back of the skate board to make it flip around in the air.

Another present opened - Pig Goes Pop.

And then a metal detector. He has wanted one of these for ages since watching Norman on Fireman Sam using one. I guess my garden is about to get dug over.
Joshua is very keen on Lego and has really grasped the concept of following instructions to build things. So I was adamant that I wanted to buy him his first Meccano set to get him used to nuts and bolts and constructing shapes. Unlike the Meccano of my day, today they have special sets for toddlers with plastic pieces and much larger nuts and bolts that are little finger friendly. 

Joshua building his first Meccano toy.

The all important birthday cake. This year it was a Ben 10 cake.

Both boys huffing and puffing.
Thanks to everyone who visited Joshua for his special day and brought him all the wonderful gifts. He has far too many presents to mention on this blog and still more to come. For me the star present is his VTech Tag reader which I think is going to be an absolutely amazing learning aid for both boys. The craziest present by far goes to Auntie Nicky and Uncle Paul with this rather large inflatable dinosaur. 

Josh and Brandon set to work on the dinosaur like a pair of thugs at a West Ham vs Millwall  football game.

Looks like the dinosaur is losing this battle.

I think we can safely say this one is now extinct.
This dinosaur is friggin huge. For tonight I have carried it up into Joshua's bedroom so lets just hope that he doesn't wake up in the night screaming that there is a big monster in his bedroom! Joshua's birthday celebrations continue into the weekend with pizza hut tomorrow and then bowling on Saturday. So more birthday updates to follow.

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