Wednesday, 24 October 2012

First School Picture and Parents Evening

Well a couple more firsts for today. To start with we have Joshua’s very first school photo taken from Abacus Primary School. For me it is really shocking to look at these pictures as it makes you realise just how much he has grown up he is and how much he is learning now.  
Joshua in his very first Abacus school picture.
The other first which we had today was our first parents evening at Abacus School. The feedback on Joshua was very positive. His teacher advised us that he is very capable and very intelligent. On the downside sometime he lacks a bit of concentration and needs to commit himself a bit more. His letter formation, sounds and numbers are all really good. Monday mornings we need to start reminding him what he has done over the weekend because his journal simply mentions swimming every weekend. Obviously he enjoys swimming but we do so much more of a weekend. We also need to start helping him with the sounds of the letter in the middle of words, he has pretty much got the first letter sounds nailed down.
Both the boys are still enjoying all of Joshua’s new birthday presents. Brandon seems to have adopted the hot wheels ramp and loop set along with the camper van. Joshua has been getting stuck into his Mecanno set and learning how to build planes, cars, helicopters etc. I am really pleased he likes the Mecanno as it is a toy that I very much enjoyed as a kid and teaches some great skills about basic engineering and construction. His Christmas list this year will definitely include another set of Mecanno.

Joshua getting to work with his Mecanno dragster.

Joshua fixing the dragster with a nut and screw.

Fitting the engine.

Finally for today’s blog it is now 1 month to the day since Brandon had his eye operation. As you can see from the pictures it has healed very nicely and his eye looks very good now. All the swelling and bruising is long gone. He just has one small bit of glue stuck on some eyebrow hair and a small bit of red in the white of his eye. Even though it no longer hurts him he still flinches and turns his head away when you are washing his face with a flannel. Little monkey.

Ignore his chocolate chops as he has just finished his pudding. But doesn't the eye look good.

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