Thursday, 14 March 2013

Alpha Male

Yesterday we had Joshua's parents evening over Abacus School to find out how he is progressing and to talk to his teacher. Overall Joshua is doing very well and his teach (Miss Goldsmith) has no concerns about him. Apparently he loves P.E. classes which I was pleased to hear and also she said he excels at maths and is very analytical. He lets himself down on literacy and phonics by not trying as hard as both we and his teacher knows he is capable of. We know that he can do this stuff, he just gets lazy at times and decides he doesn't want to do it on a certain day and can be very stubborn about it. The main thing I took from this parents evening is that with his homework we need to help him writing more sentences and working on neater hand writing with finger spaces and full stops in the right places.
Surprisingly she said that Joshua is very loud in the class and is one of three of the older boys in the class who all seem to be competing for role of the alpha male! On several occasions she used the phrase, "Dare I say it, but he is a typical boy!". In some respects I am pleased by this as it is a sign he is popular and maybe that he won't get bullied in later years if he is settling into an alpha male role.
Also yesterday Tina got to have a belated Mothers Day lunch with little B at his nursery. So I had to finish work early in order to dash home and pick up Joshua from school so that Tina and B could have their meal together. Other news on Brandon is that for the last 3 days he has got himself dressed in the morning all on his own - such a big boy.

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