Wednesday 6 March 2013

Foundation Stage Interim Target Report

This week Joshua brought home his Foundation Stage Interim Report and we are very pleased with his progress. The report summarises a list of individual targets that Joshua is expected to learn before moving on to the next level of his learning. The Early Years Foundation Stage consists of:
  • Communication & Language and Literacy,
  • Mathematics,
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development,
  • Physical Development,
  • Understanding the World, and
  • Expressive Arts & Design
Its quite incredible when you see the expectations of a 5 year old under each of these Foundation Stages!
Joshua proudly showing his first school report.

The "General Comments" on Joshua's report read as follows:
"Joshua is a bright little boy who has made sound progress this year. He is thoughtful and logically minded, and often makes brilliant contributions to class discussions. Joshua seems to enjoy learning but he does not always try his hardest, despite being given appropriately challenging work. We have talked about this in class and he now needs to ensure that he tries his best at all times in order to continue making good progress, particularly in Literacy. Joshua has lots of ideas and he enjoys sharing his thoughts and ideas with adults and peers, although he must now try to avoid calling out to allow other children the opportunity to answer questions, both on the carpet and during group activities."

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