This afternoon during a rare break in the weather we managed to get out over to Thorndon Country Park to take the boys on a Gruffalo hunt through the woods. It was great to get outside and to be exploring through the woods with them and fortunately we had the foresight to make sure everyone was wearing welly boots as "muddy" would have been a complete understatement in describing the terrain! So armed with our Gruffalo hunting map we set off into the woods.......
Our map of the Gruffalo hunt. |
So the King's took a stroll through the deep dark wood.
Just check out all that mud! |
In no time at all we found a Gruffalo child. "A gruffalo? What's a Gruffalo?", "A Gruffalo! Why, didn't you know?".
It has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. |
"Good", said Joshua, "Don't call me good! I'm the scariest creature in this wood." |
A Gruffalo's child is no match for my Joshua and Brandon - who's favourite food just happens to be Gruffaloe crumble! |
As we strolled through the deep dark wood, a fox saw the boys and the boys looked good. But the boys were off to have lunch with Daddy and his favourite food was roasted fox!
Anyone for roasted fox (covered in mud!). |
Joshua was very proud that he was the first one to spot the fox during our Gruffalo hunt. |
On went the boys through the deep dark wood. An owl saw the boys and the boys looked good.
Joshua and B both spotted the owl despite it being about 30ft up at the top of his tree top house. |
You can see Joshua at the very bottom of the tree, and the owl at the very top. The owl would not come down as the boys fancied some owl ice cream! |
The boys thoroughly enjoyed our Gruffalo hunt and having read "The Graffalo" and the "Graffalo's Child" numerous times they could really associate with the characters and the spirit of the book. The one character which is currently missing from the trail is the snake, but I hear that it will be coming soon. Of course the super hero of the Gruffalo story is the big bad mouse, or should I say the scariest creature in this wood.
The scariest creature in this wood, chomping away at his nut. |
The boys were happy to join the mouse to go hunting for the big Gruffalo. |
Finally our hunt came to an end. Brandon was the one who spotted a creature with terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. He had knobbly knees and turned-out toes and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose. His eyes are orange, his tongue is black; he has purple prickles all over his back. But all that being said, he still posed for a family picture!
We four King's and an 8ft Gruffalo. |
The Gruffalo said Brandon would look good on a slice of bread. But Brandon replied by saying "Everyone is afraid of me and now my tummy's starting to rumble. My favourite food is --- Gruffalo crumble!" And quick as the wind he turned and quick as the wind he turned and fled, so we went to the park and played football instead! All was quiet in the deep dark wood.
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