Monday, 25 March 2013

Easter Assembly + 100% Attendance

Today I had the pleasure of going along to Ababcus School to watch the foundation class complete their Easter assembly. All of the kids took it in turns to hold the microphone and tell the audience all about Easter flowers, animals, Jesus etc.etc. and in between this they sang three animated Easter songs. All of the kids looked very happy and seemed to really enjoy performing for the families in attendance.
Joshua is over on the right hand side wearing the yellow T-shirt and holding up his picture of a seasonal flower.
Joshua singing a song and performing the hand animations.

Still pictures do not really do the assembly justice, however fortunately I remembered the video camera and have all 15 mins or so recorded. At the end of the assembly 9 of the children were awarded a certificate for 100% attendance this term by the head teacher. I was very proud see see Joshua stepping up as one of the 9 kids.

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