Sunday 21 April 2013

St Georges Day @ Wat Tyler

Today we celebrated St Georges day with a family fun day at Wat Tyler park. I can honestly say I have never seen Wat Tyler so busy as we queued for about 20-30 mins from the Tesco's round-a-bout to the car park! Fortunately the weather was once again fantastic and we had packed our first picnic of the year. So first port of call was a spot of lunch.

Picnic time in the sunshine.
After lunch the boys had one thing on their mind - bouncy castles. They had about 5 or 6 bouncy castles set up for the kiddies and charged a reasonable £2 a child for 10 mins. Great exercise for the boys to burn off their lunch. 

Brandon and Joshua coming down a bouncy castle slide.

Joshua flat out on his belly as Brandon looks on.

Brandon exits one of the bouncy castles.

Joshua charging around like a bull in a China shop.
The fun day was packed with activities and displays from martial arts, to brass bands, to crazy golf, bucking bulls and so on. There was even a few old classic cars and speedway motorcycles to view. 

One of the miniature horses on display.

The boys played 9 holes on the crazy golf and had a pretty good idea what to do having been down the driving range with me and also having played crazy golf extensively on the Wii. However keeping a scorecard was pretty much impossible as there were both cheating like mad (I can't imagine where they get that from!).

Brandon is first to sink his ball at the 1st hole.

Little B preparing to sink his 2nd.

Little B needed some help cracking a ball around this circular wire frame.

What a great back swing displayed by Joshua.

At times I think Brandon thought he was playing hockey more than golf!

Can you crown please hush as Tiger B prepares for his next Tee shot.

Joshua lines up for a put with Brandon looking on.

Can you spot Little B in the land of the little people?
After spending a good few hours over the family fun day we headed back to Lisa's Laboratory art studio to participate in some St Georges day arts and crafts. Both boys enjoyed relaxing and colouring in their Knights in shinning armour and then using the split pins to assemble them together. We ran out of time to build their shields as Joshua wanted to head over to the boating lake to play with his radio controlled boat. But we can make the shields up one night this week. 

Joshua all smiles with his Knight in shinning armour.

Brandon needed a little help but did a great job colouring in his Knight and he even managed to cut the shield out on his own.

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