Tuesday 3 September 2013

Joshua Year 1 & No More Thumb Sucking

Today was Joshua's first day back at school after the summer holidays and he returned as a Year 1 student. He is now in the orange class with a new teacher calls Mrs Corbin. His first day went very well and he seemed to really enjoy himself. To be honest I think Brandon would have been equally happy starting his foundation year today, however he does not start until next Thursday. He has a home visit from his teacher, Mrs Lee, this Thursday in preparation for school next week. I am really looking forward to seeing Brandon all dressed up in his school uniform.
Joshua all ready for starting in Year 1.

As Joshua becomes a big boy going into Year1 the other breaking news is that he appears to have stopped sucking his thumb. For the last week we have used a product called "Stop N Grow" morning and night and it seems to have done the trick. His thumb has not been anywhere near his mouth now in about 5 days. Basically by putting this on his thumb it leaves an absolutely foul taste in his mouth if he tries to suck it. We agreed with him to use it for 1 week to see if we could break his habit, but clearly the real test will be whether the thumbs creeps back into his mouth once we stop applying it.

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