Friday, 18 April 2014

Good Friday at Hyde Hall

Good Friday is here and Joshua woke up early to find out whether the Easter Bunny had been or not. This year instead of the normal Easter trail I had laid out an Easter Hunt where they had to search out 6 Easter egg tokens whilst wearing a bunny mask before they could have their Easter eggs.
Joshua and Brandon wearing their bunny masks and carrying their baskets ready to search for the Easter tokens.

Brandon finds his number 4 token.

Scattered around the house were these rabbit signs with clues showing where the tokens were hidden,

Bunny Brandon finds another one hidden behind the dinner table.
The two boys had fun on the hunt but surprisingly both said they preferred last years trail as opposed to the hunt. But they did both find all six tokens and were subsequently rewarded with their haul of Easter eggs.

Brandon ready to bite into his haul of Easter eggs.

Joshua shows his haul of Eater eggs.
Little Holly obviously couldn't join in the Easter hunt, but she certainly did well for her first Easter and has so far picked up 7 eggs of her own!!!!

Holly is swarmed by her haul of Easter eggs.

It was all too much for Holly and after breakfast she decided to have a nap in her door bouncy!

That looks mighty uncomfortable with her eye resting across the plastic windshield.
After finishing breakfast and tucking in to some all important Easter chocolate, we decided to spend Good Friday at Hyde Hall where they were having a Lindt Easter Bunny Trail.
Joshua and Brandon with a giant Lindt Bunny.

Hang on, now that's a giant Lindt Bunny.
The trail had 6 clues scattered around the gardens with 3 multiple choice answers for the kids to work out. The fourth clue was to count the number of Lindt rabbits hidden around the "Dry Garden".
Brandon finds 1 of the 8 rabbits hidden in the Dry Garden.
There were loads of Tina's favourite flowers blossoming all over the garden, namely tulips.

Brandon in a giant pergola.

The gardens are just beautiful and Joshua gave us the full guided tour having been the only one of us to come here before on a school trip.

Loads of big Koi in the pond, Joshua seemed to think one of them was called Josh.

A lovely picture of Joshua looking through a flowering tree.

Joshua and Brandon on the bridge.

A spot of tree climbing for Joshua.
Everyone knows just how tight I am, so here is a top tip for going to Hyde Hall. Let the kiddies take a kite each and they get in for free, happy days. Today was a perfect day for flying kites with some wide open fields in the gardens and some good winds up on the hills.
Brandon gets ready to fly his dragon kite.

Joshua playing in the kids play area.

Brandon on some balancing stepping platforms.

Holly had woken up so she went in the harness and I tool her up the kiddies climbing tower.

She then got to have a go on a slide for the very first time and seemed to really enjoy it.

The boys were fascinated with these little heart shape flowers.

Anyone for a chocolate bunny.

All this Easter Trail stuff had tired Holly out and it was time for an afternoon nap.

The lawns and hedges in the garden are just beautifully maintained.

Joshua and Brandon losing a tug of war with an old plough.

Who's that in the planting shed over at the vegetable garden.

The vegetable garden had some very scary looking scarecrows!

Two tired boys sink into the grass meadows.

Brandon being a scarecrow by wearing two baseball caps!!!

Me practising some macro photography on some beautiful flowers.

Brandon all smiles as we walk through the garden paths.
We all had a great day out and thoroughly enjoyed Hyde Hall gardens. Its amazing that we have lived here for so long and never been here before despite it being virtually on our doorstep. I would love to take the kids back in the summertime once a lot more of the flowers have blossomed as I would imagine it would be so colourful. At the end of our visit we picked up a few vegetable plants for our vegetable patch at home and Brandon bought a plant for the garden (amazing that he wanted a pant rather than a toy!!!).

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Looks gorgeous! Went there a couple of years ago with mum and she loved it as well. The boys better hide their Lindt bunnies from Amy as they are her favourite xxx