Friday, 25 April 2014

Holly's First Pixie Photo Shoot

A couple of weeks ago now we finally got around to getting Holly booked in for her first Pixie photo shoot. The intention was to simply get Holly's first picture sitting upright as the free 8x10" that the Bounty Pack offer. But then we also wanted a nice picture of the 3 children together and we also wanted a family picture of all of us. And that's where the problem lies!!! You see the photographer took a range of stunning pictures and then gave us a hefty bill for them which we had to dwindle down to the pictures we really wanted and a budget we could afford. Unfortunately some of the pictures are just so gorgeous that it is hard to say no and subsequently we ended up leaving with our largest and most expensive order to date!!! Holly really wasn't interest in the photo shoot and proved to be somewhat difficult to get smiling for a picture. But I am sure you agree some of her pictures are just stunning. Anyway no more words for today's blog, just some lovely new pictures to look at. If anyone wants prints of any of these then let me know as I have them all scanned in high resolution.

Joshua and Brandon back to back.
Joshua looking more and more like a young man.

Brandon with his favourite meerkat ted.

Joshua with his well travelled Lion ted.

Brandon looking grown up and showing us his "gappy" smile.

Me playing basketball.

The two ladies of the house.

Our beautiful three kids.

This time with Holly looking at the camera.

Holly wearing her doggie dress from Uncle Michael and Auntie Lea.

Holly bundling a teddy bear.

"Count Dad, Ive got the ted's shoulders pinned!".

A Daddy sandwich as the boys bundle on top of me.

Finally Holly gives the camera a smile.

My little blue eyed beauty.

Looking more serious or doing a poo???

Finally a family picture of all five of us.


Unknown said...

Such lovely pics! I will sort out which ones I want when I next come round. Thanks for sharing xxx

Nicky xxx said...

Can see why it ended up costing a fortune they are all very lovely piccies! xxx

Auntie Lisa said...

Love these pictures, can't wait to get my ones framed and up on the wall. Love Auntie Lisa x x x