Friday 2 January 2015

2 Mile Run and Park Run's

Over the Xmas holiday the boys have settled in to a routine of David Lloyd one day, then we go out running the next day. At the David Lloyd I have been getting a workout in whilst the kids go in the play area, then I have been taking all 3 of the kiddies swimming afterwards and then if timer permits, badminton as well. On the running day I have been going out and doing a 40-45 minute session on my own and then coming back home to collect the two boys for a run as part of my warm down. Despite the dark cold evenings they have been dead keen to get the thermals on and come out for a run around the Wick with their Daddy. Tonight Joshua made me so proud as he completed his furthest ever distance going for 2 miles without stopping. He did so well that I have now registered him for the Children's Junior Park Run event at Chelmsford and hopefully his first race will be this Sunday. Brandon is also registered so it would be nice if I can get both boys running.

Great achievement for Joshua as he runs 2 miles for the first time without stopping.
Now both boys are registered for the Park Run events and will hopefully do their first 2k race this weekend.

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