Thursday, 22 January 2015

Bug Boy

This term the boys are learning all about animals at school and yesterday the school had a Bug Man bring in a load of insects, reptiles and amphibians for the kids to learn about. The children got to see a range of animals from snakes, tarantulas, lizards, hedgehogs, scorpions, etc.etc. They managed to get this great picture of Brandon with a very large stick insect crawling right across his face. Such a brave little boy as I am not sure I would like this crawling across my face.
Brave Brandon with a rather large stick insect crawling across his face!!!!
The year 1 kids learning about reptiles, amphibians and insects.
In general Brandon has had a very good week at school and earlier this week he was also promoted to Stage 5 with his reading. To add to that he was awarded the star of the day today although he is not quite sure why he got it. Personally I think he deserves it just for having the stick insect on his face!!! So well done little B.
Brandon was Star of the Day 22.1.15
I haven’t spoken much about Holly lately but her walking is absolutely amazing now. It is really weird seeing her just toddle around the house at her own free will. In the last week she has now also learnt to get herself up to her feet without holding on to anything and can also bend over from a standing position to pick something up.

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