Today we decided to finish the Xmas holiday with an extremely rare treat by going out to the Toby Carvery for an "all-u-can-eat" cooked breakfast. It is something we have never done before and thought it would be a real treat for the boys. The boys were both very excited when they woke up and it was probably the quickest I have seen them get dressed and washed.
The breakfast was lovely. As usual Brandon didn't eat too much. Joshua had about 3 plate fulls and absolutely loved their sausages. Holly had a bit of sausage but mostly enjoyed some baked beans and scrambled egg. We were all so stuffed after breakfast that we decided we needed to work off some calories and decided to drive to Lake Meadows. The boys took their scooters and we also took their golf sets so that they could have a round of pitch and putt. We then took a walk around the lake before letting the kiddies finish off with some playtime in the park.
Holly is so much bigger and physically stronger now that she can really enjoy time in the parks and as such today we got some great pictures of her.
Holly enjoying some swing time at Lake Meadows. |
Me, Brandon and Holly on a giant rocking horse. |
A lovely picture of Brandon with his little Sis. |
And another beautiful picture of the two of them. Joshua was off playing with some other kids in the little aeroplane behind them. |
Me giving Holly a helping hand on the see-saw. But who was on the other end? |
Little B of course. |
What a lovely smile from Holly as she plays with Brandon on the see-saw. |
Me helping Holly on the slide. |
Then Brandon decided to hold Holly and give her a few more slides. |
I mentioned that Holly is getting a lot bigger and physically stronger, but she is also getting much smarter and more understanding lately. She understands kisses and cuddles if you ask her for them, she can wave goodnight or bye-bye to you, when she gets hungry she has learnt to go to the kitchen and will get a bib from under her high chair and then gesture that she wants a lift up into her chair and also if she sees something around the house that she clearly wants then she will point and make an "uh uh uh" sound. She is starting to learn right from wrong and throws a good strop on the floor when she is told off or doesn't get her own way.
We have also dusted off a load of the boys old baby toys and Holly has really taken to a few of them. Its amazing really as some of the toys were hardly touched by the boys as they just had no interest in them and subsequently never played with them. But Holly is completely different. A good example is the bouncy zebra toy. I don't ever recall seeing Joshua or Brandon playing with this, yet at one year old Holly absolutely loves it and can already climb on it on her own, bounce up and down and spin herself around. Clever little girl.
Holly absolutely loves Joshua and Brandon's old zebra bouncer toy. |
She carefully holds on and can get her leg over the saddle without any help. |
Then she is off bouncing and spinning around. |
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