Today we had our bi-annual family visit to the dentist. I went in first without any of the kiddies and then after my check-up was complete I asked the dentist whether he minded having a word with Joshua about his thumb sucking and that it could impact his teeth. The dentist did a great job and Joshua seemed to listen intently as the dentist told him that his teeth will end up sticking out like rabbits teeth and he will create a lot of work for him. Lets see if it works.
After the dentist we always take the kiddies over to a little pirate ship park which is quite local and as today was such a sunny day, and the park has a sand base, it was almost like being at the beach. Holly really enjoyed the swings and playing in the sand. She seemed to enjoy grabbing handfuls of sand and then tipping them out over her head (maybe its some kind of special hair conditioner to dry out the oils). Either way her shorts, nappy, shoes and everything else was full of sand.
Holly filling up a bucket with sand. |
The two boys playing in the park. |
Holly looking such a big girl as she enjoys some time in the swing. |
Captain Brandon on the lookout tower. |
Captain Joshua up high and looking for sharks. |
Holly's new hair car technique, a sand shampoo. |
That feels better. |
As the weather was so nice this afternoon and the kiddies are off school we decided to treat the them and get the garden water slide out. Despite the cold water, Joshua was up and down like a yo-yo, Brandon lasted a reasonable amount of time, but Holly only braved a few minutes in the paddling pool part and wouldn't go anywhere near the water slide. She was however doing some good gymnastics on the trampoline, I think she has been watching me do hand stand push-ups and was trying to copy!
Holly only braved the paddling pool. |
Joshua coming down the water slide on an inflatable surf board. |
All 3 kiddies playing nicely and enjoying the sunshine in the garden. |
Brandon about to plunge into the pool. |
Superman Josh. |
Action shot as he hits the plunge pool. |
Another action shot as water scatters everywhere. |
Holly practising her gymnastics on the trampoline. |
Happy little girl trying some hand stand push ups. |
Brandon got chilly and wrapped up in a towel to throw a ball at Joshua for some headers as he cane down the slide! |
Great to see the kiddies enjoying summertime in the garden. |
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