Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Assitant Beaver Leader

As a father of three it seems I barely have any free time these days and as such my list of DIY jobs around the house just seems to get larger and larger. When I am not chauffeuring the kids around or helping them with homework etc I try and keep on top of my own training. I am already a part time karate instructor to the boys, I coach and manage their football teams and now I seem to have been promoted from a parent helper to an Assistant Beaver Leader at Brandon's Beaver Group. So I guess that little bit of spare time that I did have has just been eaten into and that list of outstanding DIY jobs is destined to grow! To be honest I wouldn't have it any other way though as it gives me quality time with the kids and I am learning and developing my own skills all the time as well. Also I think Scouts/Beavers was something I always wanted to do as a kid but was never given the opportunity, so now I can re-live my youth!!!!
Of course I started getting involved in Brandon's Beavers to sort of balance out the fact that I coach Joshua's football team. However with recent events it now looks like next season I will step aside from Joshua's team and take over running Brandon's football team instead. By some miracle I still have Wednesday evening free with no kids clubs to attend, however the boys are now saying this should be our golf night! Maybe I should keep Wednesday night free for when Holly starts going to her clubs. Who knows, maybe next I will get roped in to helping her out as an assistant ballet teacher or gymnastics teacher!!!!!
Me wearing my new Assistant Beaver Leader T-shirt with Brandon.
Photo bombed by Holly.
So I now need to embark upon something like 26 modules of Beaver Leader training and then in the coming weeks I have to go through the Investiture just like the two boys in order to get my scarf and woggle. The boys are so going to give me some stick when I get invested!

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Lovely piccies Jay. Amy is known as Jacala by the cubs in the group that she helps to run, wonder what your invested name will be Jay? xxx