Tuesday 16 February 2016

Princess Holly & Facebook Mummy Questionnaire

Holly is really starting to develop her own little character and traits now and has an ever growing vocabulary. She still can't quite say "Josh" and instead calls Joshua "Rosh". She doesn't even try Brandon and instead calls him simple "Bruver" or "B". She has also now learnt to say things like, "My bike", "My IPAD", "My bum bum" and so on.Earlier today I even got her to say "disgusting" when she saw my dirty feet! One of her most annoying traits she has picked up from somewhere is a stroppy stomp!!! When she is told off or made to do something that she doesn't want too, she will storm off stamping her feet (early sign of the terrible twos????).
Anyway for today's blog update I just have a few recent pictures of my little princess.
Holly taking her shopping trolley on a trip around the local Tesco's with Mummy.
Big girl Holly enjoying a swing in the pirate ship play park that we always stop by after we go to the dentist.
My little princess Holly playing dress-up at home.
On a different subject I was driving to the Midlands today on business and was using the Sat Nav to get to our Binley Office. Little did I know it took me down "Brandon Road" so I had to take a picture of the Sat Nav screen to show him. He now says he wants to live in Brandon Road so that he doesn't forget his address.

Brandon Rd in Coventry pops up on the Sat Nav.

Finally for today's blog I have noticed a Mummy questionnaire whih has been trending on facebook for the last couple of days. So tonight I decided to get the boys to answer the questions and got some pretty funny responses:
1. What is something Mummy always says to you. :
Brandon : "You can't have bad dreams as you haven't been to sleep yet!".
Joshua : "Stop fighting"

2. What makes Mummy happy? :
Brandon : Helping out at the school
Joshua : Flowers

3. What makes Mummy sad? :
Brandon : When she is cold.
Joshua : When someone dies.

4. How does Mummy make you laugh:
Brandon : Tickling me.
Joshua : Tickling me.

5. What was Mummy like as a child?
Brandon : Good worker.
Joshua : Drama Queen.

6. How old is Mummy?
Brandon : 42
Joshua : 42 (almost 43)

7. How tall is Mummy?
Brandon : 4 foot
Joshua : 1 m 50 cm

8. What is Mummy's favourite thing to do?
Brandon : Shopping.
Joshua : IPAD and TV.

9. What does Mummy do when you're not here? :
Brandon : Holly's swimming lessons.
Joshua : Goes to sleep.

10. If Mummy becomes famous what will it be for? :
Brandon : Cooking food.
Joshua : Art.

11. What is Mummy really good at? :
Brandon : Knitting.
Joshua : Playing on her IPAD.

12. What is Mummy not very good at? :
Brandon : Climbing.
Joshua : Not doing jobs.

13. What is Mummy's job?:
Brandon : Police woman.
Joshua : Playing on her IPAD.

14. What makes you proud of Mummy? :
Brandon : Helping.
Joshua : Helping with homework.

15. What is Mummy's favourite food? :
Brandon : Lasagna.
Joshua : Chinese.

16. What do you & Mummy do together? :
Brandon : Play.
Joshua : Cinema.

17. How are you & Mummy the same? :
Brandon : Brown Eyes.
Joshua : Giggly.

18. If your Mummy was a cartoon character who would she be?
Brandon : Jasmine.
Joshua : Sleeping Beauty.

19. How are you & Mummy different?:
Brandon : Hair.
Joshua : Everything.

20. How do you know Mummy loves you? :
Brandon : Kisses.
Joshua : Kisses.

21. Where is Mummy's favourite place to go?
Brandon : Rain Forest.
Joshua : America.

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