Today was an amazing day as we
celebrated Brandon's 8th Birthday. Like Joshua, Brandon decided he didn't want a
party this year and instead wanted a Zoo Keeper experience. So unbeknown to him
we had booked him an experience at Tropical Wings for today. It was a little
more expensive than the one that Joshua did at Colchester Zoo, but we
specifically picked this one as it gave Brandon the opportunity to feed his
favourite animals, Lemurs.
Anyway after a good sleep to try and
recover from returning from my US business trip, the kids all woke at around 7
o'clock. By about 8 Brandon was tucking in to his presents with help from his
little sister. His main present this year was a new Muddy Fox BMX which he asked
for. Then on top of that he got a Grave Digger cycle hat, a Match Attacks tin, a
Hot Wheels track set, some car books and a West Ham Annual, a laptop bag, some
Stunt Pegs for is bike, a couple of PS4 driving games and a new Forest Glade
tracksuit (which unfortunately has not arrived in time for his birthday). So
overall he did very well for himself and has some amazing presents. The cycle
hat, 1:24 Chevy Pickup and laptop bag were presents I bought him back from
The day at the Zoo was incredible for
Brandon. He got to learn about so many animals and get hands on experience. It
started with the butterfly house and then on to handling some bugs and stick
insects. He then fed some little monkeys before moving on top the farm section.
Brandon had to prepare some special food treats for the otters where he had to
hide some fish and live mealworms in plastic balls and then throw them into the
enclosure to encourage them to hunt for their food. After the otters he moved on
to the Coati's, lemurs, squirrel monkeys and then finally the meerkats.
The coati's were amazing and so
friendly. Brandon has one jump up on his back and smother him like a scarf. Then
it circled around his body and in the process it scratched the back of his neck.
I don't think I have ever seen Brandon smile as much as when he was in with the
Lemurs though, he was absolutely in his element sitting on a log and hand
feeding them bits of fruit and sweetcorn, this was really a dream come true for
Brandon and something he will remember for ever. For the squirrel monkeys
Brandon was tasked with making some challenging food parcels by wrapping fruit
in news paper for them to seek out and find. Finally we made it to the meerkats
where Brandon had somewhere around 21 meerkats clambering all over him eating
live mealworms that were poured on to his lap.
We finished the day off with a meal
at The Quays and then finally when we got home we all sang happy birthday to B
and he tucked in to a slice of his Pokemon birthday cake.
Looking very grown up as Brandon turn's 8 years old. |
Looks like a nice selection of presents ready for him in the morning. |
The amazing Monster Jam Grave Digger cycle hat I got him from the US. I bet there are not too many of them in this country. |
Brandon is turning in to a classic car nut and really wanted a Chevrolet Pickup model. So again another present from the US. |
First test of the new Muddy Fox BMX and cycle hat with the stunt pegs fitted to the back. |
The mean Monster Jam cycle hat with light up eyes. |
Wearing his hi-vis jacket and ready for the Tropical Wings Zoo Keeper Experience. |
Holly feeding some of the carp in the butterfly enclosure. |
Brandon's first real job of the day was to feed some little monkeys by hiding fruit around their enclosure. |
Brandon really enjoying getting some hands on. |
Brandon had no problems holding a big stick insect as he has previously had one crawling across its face. |
Also he was very brave holding a rather larger beetle bug. |
They only have two otters at the zoo now, but Brandon had to prepare their lunch for them which meant handling live meal worms. |
Wearing gloves as Brandon fills the otters play/feeding balls with fish and live meal worms. |
Hiding some meal worms for the otters inside a log. |
Brandon giving some TLC to a large looking goat. |
Next on the farm he was hand feeding crusts of bread to some piggies. |
Even Holly was being very brave today and stroking the goats. |
Holly having a stare off with a goat. |
Brandon looking very happy feeding the coati's with some fruit and veg. |
Trying to hide the food but they are too quick and on him like a shot. |
One of the Coati's jumps up on Brandon's shoulders. |
Brandon smiling away as the Coati grooms his hair! |
The moment Brandon gets a scratch on his neck as the Coati circles around his body. |
The moment Brandon had been waiting for as he gets up close and personal with his favourite animal, the Lemur. |
Hand feeding them fruit and veg. |
What a great birthday experience for our little man. |
Love this picture, it looks like he is sitting there talking to them all like they are in a classroom or something. |
What are these two scheming? Is this a master plan for Brandon to smuggle a lemur home? |
Time to say goodbye and move on to the next animal. |
Trying to get seated without squashing a meerkat in the process. |
Are those meerkats looking for the mealworms or some nuts! |
Ever wondered what its look to be swarmed by 21 meerkats. |
One of the meerkats stands up proud on Brandon's leg. |
I think Brandon was scared to move anywhere in case he trodd on or squashed one of the meerkats. |
Brandon's pokemon birthday cake. |
Huff and puff time as Brandon blows out the candle and finishes off a great day for his birthday. |
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