We all had our little fads and crazes when we were at school and it appears no different with the two kids these days. Yo-yo's appear to have made a bit of a comeback recently so I have had to dust off some old skills. The two really annoying ones that are currently doing the rounds are "the dab" and "bottle flips". I'd love to know from our parents whether our school fads and crazes where as annoying as these dabs and bottle flips.
I am not really sure what a dab is and the boys can't really tell me. Basically the duck their head into their elbow joint and stick their arms out like a lazy Usain Bolt pose. It's almost like its done as a way of flicking people off, but it is very annoying as the boys are doing it at every opportunity and have even got Holly doing it.
God only knows who started the bottle flipping craze where they spin throw a half empty bottle and try to land it on its base. This craze has already been responsible for numerous broken school and football drink bottles!!!
So new signs to go up everywhere me thinks.............

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