Friday 20 April 2018

Joshua's Star of the Week for Concerntration

At Joshua's last parents evening the biggest criticism from his teacher was that he is easily distracted and does not concentrate and apply himself as much as he should. After the parents evening we was a little disappointed with these comments and told him that we want to see a change before Year 5 ends and want to hear from his teacher that there has been significant improvement.

Needless to say I am super proud that today he came home with the Star of the Week Award and when you read what he got it for you will notice it says "For having a great start to the new term and showing focus and concentration". So it looks like he took on-board our comments and has turned things around, lets see if he can now maintain this until the end of this school year.

Joshua gets Star of the Week for focus and concerntration - who would have thought?

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