Tuesday, 8 May 2018

European Masters Throwdown


This past weekend I competed in my first ever International Crossfit competition called the European Masters Throwdown in Budapest. I have qualified for this event for the last 2 years however I did not attend the finals last year for 2 reasons really, firstly I didn’t think I qualified high enough to justify the trip, and secondly, In my head I just couldn’t justify £500+ quid for me to go away for a weekend competition when that could potentially be a week camping with the family (or something similar).
This year however I qualified slightly higher which made me think that the trip would be worthwhile if we could afford it. Furthermore my logic was that as I get older it may become more and more difficult to qualify for such events and so I should make the most of these opportunities whilst I still can. I was also thinking that from an inspirational perspective that it would be great for the kids to see their Dad competing in an International competition and hopefully motivate them in whatever sporting activities they chose to pursue in their life’s.
Anyway you are probably wondering why I am writing about my competition on a blog that should be dedicated to our three children. Well the answer there is to do with family support and helping out your siblings whenever you can. You see with all the justification outlined in the second paragraph, the fact of the matter is that there is no way I could have afforded to selfishly take myself away for a weekend for one competition without the backing of the family. Or if I did it would be at the expense of our family holiday.
So for my birthday this year I asked everyone to not get me a present and instead give me some money which I would put towards some of the costs associated with this trip (flights, hotel, food, taxi’s….. and so on). I was extremely grateful for the birthday money but even that only covered a small portion of the costs of the trip. So that’s where my little Sister steps in and sets up various fund raising initiatives successfully managing to raise a significant amount of money to help cover the costs of the trip.
Without a shadow of a doubt there is no way I could of, or would of gone to Budapest without the birthday money and the money which Lisa helped raise. I hate asking for money and would never even contemplate asking unless things were really desperate, so for Lisa to help out as much as she did pulling this together and for everyone who contributed to her fund raising ideas, it  is just incredible.
The weekend in Budapest was one of the most amazing weekends I have had with some great friends. I exceeded my goal of finishing higher than I qualified and also achieved my stretched objective to make the semi-finals. I achieved some PB’s across a few events, won a heat beating a Games level athlete and also managed my first ever bar muscle up having been trying them for 3 years +. But none of that is what I want Joshua, Brandon and Holly to take from this whole experience. What I want them to learn and appreciate is how valuable your siblings are, to remain close and to support each other throughout life in whatever way you can. I would be more prouder seeing my kids helping each other out as my sisters and brother have helped me, than any amount of muscle ups they might be able to do one day.
Weekend away with Crossfit buddies Nik and Brian was amazing.
Getting my first bar muscle up at the European Champs was just an incredible moment.
But having a supportive family is better than both of the above!

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