Last Friday night Joshua had a sleep over at his friends house, Leo's, along with a load of other mates (brave Mum for taking that lot on). Leo's Mum and Dad have a ginormous back garden with loads of quad bikes, electric ride ons, golf carts and many, many cars. So Joshua seemed to have a fab time playing out in the garden all night.
The funny thing was with a group of lads all staying in the same house they were never going to go to sleep at a normal time. After playing Playstation, watching films, talking, messing around, pillow fights etc. it sounds as though they never went to sleep until around 4am. Joshua seemed extremely proud of this and was gloating to his brother about how late he stayed up. This back fired the very next night.
You see the next night we was around Auntie Nicky's for the Eurovision song contest (which incidentally was won by Israel with an artist that looked and sounded like Bjork!). Anyway Joshua was really feeling the effects of his super late Friday night and ended up falling asleep under Nicky's dinner table - much to the amusement of his little brother.
Boys being boys - not sure I'd invite this many over for a sleep over. |
Having a blast in Leo's back garden in a gold cart. |
Joshua riding on a little electric scooter. |
Dinner time at Leo's. |
Big boys toys. |
A proper tree house to play in. |
Brandon enjoying revenge on his bog brother. Only earlier in the day he was gloating about staying up until 4am, next he is asleep under Nicky's dinner table. |
Mean while this lot were all engrossed in the Eurovision Song Content. |
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