Tuesday 22 May 2018

Wales Weekend Part 3 - The Beach

We had the caravan in Wales booked for Friday right through to Sunday night, however the boys were supposed to be back at school on Monday. The weather was just soooo nice and we were having such a great time that we decided that they would both have a mystery illness and would be sick on Monday meaning that we had to stay Sunday night as well. Such is life.
On the Sunday through the daytime the kiddies were just happy staying on site. We played on the beaches, went to the indoor Splashworld pool, had a game of mini golf, played in the outdoor splash area and generally had a load of fun in the sun. Monday morning we had to be out of the caravan by 10am but stayed there until about 12:30 to explore some more beaches and to have one last go in the Splashworld pool (a great way to get the kids all cleaned up from the beach before the 5 hours journey home).
Venturing down to the beach at Trecco Bay.

The water was cold but that didn't stop the boys going in there.

Tina got Holly some bubbles to play with back at the caravan.

I'm forever blowing bubbles.

Tina and Holly chilling in the caravan.

Brandon enjoying some time at the beach.

Joshua at the beach. It didn't take him long before he was completely in the water.

Me and Brandon enjoying some fun playing Frisbee in the water (whilst getting sub burnt).

We made a game where I threw the Frisbee out to see and the boys raced out to see who could get it first.

Joshua just loves it at the beach and would happily spend all day playing in the sea.

I told you so.....

Holly not quite as brave as her brother and would only get her feet wet.

They all wanted a souvenir lanyard with a dummy rock attached.

Joshua playing crazy golf with his dummy in his mouth.

Holly still not grasping the concept of how to hold a golf club.

Doesn't Brandon look cool with that dummy. To think his Lanyard says "Cool dude!".

Holly searching for her ball in the water.

I tried the easy option and chipped the ball over the water.

Brandon enjoying the heat and going shirtless.

More golf for Brandon.

Joshua in the outdoor splashpark.

The boys teaming up with the water guns to spray everyone else in the splash park.

Brandon in action at the splash park.

In the evening Holly enjoyed the children's entertainment show in the showdome.

Then we found and indoor play park where she could burn off more energy.

The 3 kiddies lining up for the zip wire.

Holly is now old enough to ride the zip wires on her own and understands she needs to hold on.

Brandon getting a push off from Josh.

Exploring more of the beaches around the bay.

You just wouldn't believe this was in South Wales. Stunning.

Joshua and Brandon enjoying some wave jumping.


Wales 2018 - it has been good.

Me and Brandon off exploring some bays.

Where we found this odd looking building. A vertically challenged lighthouse.

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