Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Frozen Peas

Holly is a bit of a Law unto herself when it comes to eating. She is at an age where she obviously feeds herself very well, but is reluctant to try new foods. However our biggest frustration is that she tends to eat when she is hungry and not at set meal times. If you sit down at the dinner table and she is not hungry, then she will not really eat. But then an hour later she will decide she is hungry and eat like a horse. So she sits kind of in between Joshua and Brandon, where Joshua doesn’t stop eating and Brandon just find the whole eating experience a complete inconvenience and poor use of his time.
One of Holly’s rather unusual eating habits (and in my opinion quite disgusting) is that she likes eating frozen peas. Whenever we are doing peas for dinner and you get the bag out of the freezer, she will quite happily chow down on a bowl of them. In fact sometimes we have even put frozen peas on her dinner plate as she will eat them more than cooked peas!
Holly's unusual eating habits - frozen peas.

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