Sunday 15 July 2018

Rory-Paul Arthur Brickwood

Today could have been the most amazing day for two reasons had it not been for Croatia beating England in the World Cup semi-finals last Wednesday. So whilst we were not playing in the World Cup final,which eventually saw France beat Croatia 4-2, there was a new exciting addition to the family as Zoe and Nick gave birth to Rory-Paul at 16:02 weighing 6 lb 14 oz. So Holly is no longer the youngest in the family and the next generation of KISMET has been born in to the world.

Joshua, Brandon and Holly are all really excited to meet the new baby and have been digging out their old Rory the Racing Car stuff which they can hand over to the new baby.

Loving the hat. Welcome to the world Rory-Paul. Born on the day France won the world cup for the 2nd time.

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