Thursday, 5 September 2019

Back to School

So today was the big day for Joshua with his first day at Secondary School. He had arranged to meet up at Tesco Express with a load of his old school mates from Abacus and then walk to school for the first day (it’s about a 30 min walk to Beauchamp’s from our house). The secondary school uniform requirements were just ridiculous and cost a small fortune including full PE kit, Rugby kit, shin guards, gum shield, blazer, ties, shirts, trousers, socks, pencil case, calculator and on and on and on. Having said that though, Joshua did look very smart and very grown up wearing his blazer and tie today (let’s just hope he looks after them because they are not cheap!).

I called Joshua on my way to work before he left for school just to make sure he was feeling OK about today – after all he is going from being a big fish in Junior school to a little fish in Senior school. Amazingly he was completely unphased by it all and said it just feels like any normal school day. I guess that’s a nice attitude to have in some respects as other kids will probably be very nervous given how big a change it is with a completely new school, new teachers, new friends, new uniform, new timetable and so on.

But it wasn’t all about Joshua today. Whilst he did have the biggest change, Brandon was starting his final year 6 at Junior School and Holly started her Year 1 having just finished Foundation last year.

Our 3 babies growing so quickly, Year 6, Year 7 and Year 1.

Brandon is now one of the big boys of his school in Year 6.

Holly all ready to start Year 1.

Joshua looking very smart ready for his first day at senior school.

Joshua and his mate Ethan - I think we need to do some work on the neck ties!

Like a scene from Reservoir Dogs - the boys meet up at Tesco to walk to school on day 1. Will, Luca, Tom, Josh, Ethan and two others I don't know!

Some of the Year 6 boys chilling before starting their final year at Juniors.

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