Monday 30 September 2019

Holly Moves to Wickford Dance Studio

Holly has been doing her ballet classes at San Marie dance school for well over 2 years now. The classes are run behind closed doors and in all this time we have never once seen her dance. She feels embarrassed dancing or practicing at home so I have absolutely no idea what she gets up to every weekend. You would think the dance school could put on a little show every now and then or maybe have a grade system to at least show us that she is making progress, but we've had nothing in 2 years.

Due to this frustration we finally decided to try Holly at a new dance school and thus she has had a couple of try-outs doing modern disco type dancing at King's Dance Studios in Wickford. At first she was very nervous but now she absolutely loves it and seems to enjoy it much more than ballet. What’s even better is we are allowed to stay there and watch her (even though she doesn’t like being watched) so at least we know what she is getting for the money we pay!

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