Sunday 15 September 2019

Wickford Town Carnival 2019

As part of Holly's Rainbow's club she was participating in the Wickford Town Carnival yesterday. In all the years we have lived in Wickford we have hardly ever seen the Carnival due to either A) football training or B) the weather being diabolical. However yesterday football training finished early enough to attend and the weather was a scorching 23 degrees for mid September.

Holly's Rainbow's leaders were dressed as Beatles and the float that they rode on through the Carnival was done like the Yellow Submarine. They all looked amazing in their bright costumes and as a result they were awarded 1st place for their efforts. Amazing.

Scouts had made this giant rocket float for the carnival.

One of the many Princesses on floats.

I thought this float looked amazing.

Air cadets had some great plane costumes.

Another military themed float.

Then in comes the Rainbows in the Yellow Submarine.

Holly looking beautiful wearing her dress and her hat she made specially for the Carnival.

Such a good experience for the little girls.

Also on show was this Back To The Future replica Delorean.

Princess Holly ready for the carnival.

Holly with a load of her fellow Rainbow friends.

All on the float and ready to go.

First place for their float and costumes, great effort.

We all live in a Yellow Submarine......

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