Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Once again we saw in the New Year as a family of 5 staying at home. After some cheese and crackers and some turkey and leak pie we settled down to watch Worlds Strongest Man. After this we all played the Game of Life which seems to have become a bit of a thing for New Years Eve. Of course I won but only 60k more than Holly in a very close second place.

After the board game we then cooked up some hot snacks and all sat down to watch the Movie Wonderland. This took us through to about 11:30pm where it was time to turn over to BBC to watch the fireworks and some music by Craig David. We had a bit of a chaotic rendition of Auld Langs Syne jumping around the living room and them started to get cleared up and get everyone up to bed.

Happy New Year from we 5 Kings.

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