Last Friday we completed the second full week of home schooling and seem to be finally making progress and having an understanding from the kids of what we expect each day. Friday morning stared with Joe Wicks again, only Friday he asked everyone to do it in fancy dress. I called it right with Joe dressing up as Spiderman as one of his favourite exercises has been a jumping Spiderman lunge. Holly dressed up as Mary Poppins and kept the costume on all day.
Over the weekend we also tried to have a family game of Monopoly using Holly's Frozen Monopoly game. As usual the game went on for ever (over 2 days) and caused many arguments and lots of shouting. Holly won in the end but only because the rest of us had lost the will to live. Maybe we should find a different board game during lock down.
Today has been an absolutely amazing day for weather and we have spent most of the day playing in the back garden. It has been really nice to finally open up the bi-fold doors and experience our extension as it was intended opening out in to the garden deck area. Whilst playing in the garden me and H did a little bubble experiment with an empty bottle, an old sock and some bubbles which was really effective and made some amazing bubbles snakes.
To end the weekend we had our first BBQ of the year with some juicy steak, jacket potato and some salad. Then after getting all the kids baths and showers done, then having some pudding (homemade carrot cake) we all sat down to watch the Queen address the Nation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. I think its great to see the Queen doing her part, but personally I felt her speech was weak and really didn't add anything to reinforce what the Government are trying to achieve with the lock down.
I called it, Joe Wicks dressed up as Spiderman. |
Holly wore her Mary Poppins costume. |
A family game of Monopoly - always good for some arguments. |
Mine and Holly's bottle and sock bubble experiment. |
The bottle and sock produce some amazing bubble snakes. |
Holly had loads of fun playing with this and chasing the bubbles around the garden. And it was completely free. |
Finally we can use the extension as intended and open up our bi-fold doors on an amazingly hot day. |
It's just perfect having the new man cave open out on to our decking. |
First BBQ of the week. Lovely steaks and some lovely vegetable mix that I knocked up. |
We made sure we all sat down with the kids tonight to watch the Queens Speech on TV. |