Holly officially finished Year 2 yesterday and only had to go back for a few hours in the afternoon to have a farewell picnic. Sods law that I am now out of work and can easily attend such events, however due to Covid-19 they were only allowing one parent to go!!!! Just my luck. Its not quite the normal end of term that the kids would experience, but it is better than nothing and the teachers gave Holly some leaving presents including a bag to colour, some crayons, a super hero mask and a balloon.
Holly also got her end of year school report yesterday and it was a bit weird really. Obviously Holly is the youngest of 3 and we have always felt she is very advanced for her age and has hit all the key milestones that you look at way ahead of the boys. Having a houseful of older people always seems to have advanced her development. However Holly's school report shows that she is below age expectation in all areas which was initially disappointing to see. After giving it some thought though I have come to the conclusion that in these unprecedented times and due to the Covid-19 lockdown the reality is that Holly has missed half a year of schooling in her Year 2, so maybe this should have been expected and is the same for the majority of the children in her year.
Tina and Holly at Holly's end of Year 2 picnic. |
Holly goes up to receive her gifts from the head teacher. |
Happy Holly with her gifts from the school. |
Holly with her teachers from L-R Mrs Cooper, Mrs Blakely, Mrs Borely. |
My two ladies. |
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