So it is nearly the summer holidays and all I can say is thank god for that. Home schooling since March has been really challenging, how on earth teachers do it for 30 kids is beyond me. I think we all need a break from schooling this year, not just the kids.
Joshua's home schooling work is really winding down now and I doubt he will do much next week. Holly finished last week and only has to go back this week for one day for a picnic. Brandon still needs to go in until next Wednesday when he has his leavers picnic and then his juniors is all over. Its such a shame as he will hardly get any kind of send off compared with what Joshua had last year. We have got him a leavers signing book and a class of 2020 t-shirt to wear - but really that's about it.
On Friday Brandon brought home all of his school books for Year 6 and have to say some of his work is amazing. His presentation and hand writing is exceptional, there's a really good shaded drawing of an apple and some rather embarrassing bits on his recent school sex education talks! Below I found an interesting BK football that he designed and also a Star that he created at the start of this year with 2 targets - one to raise his hand more in class and secondly to learn his 7x table.
Also last week Brandon had to take his bike to school and successfully passed his level 3 bikeability course (but to be honest this is no surprise and he would have been in big trouble with me had he of failed!).
Brandon's very artistic football design I found amongst his Year 6 school work. |
Some Year 6 objectives of Brandon which he made in to a star at the start of the year. |
Well done B for passing his level 3 bikeability course. |
No real Year 6 leavers picture for Brandon. Instead this is his Covid-19 bubble. From L-R Fraser, Jake, George, Max, Zak, Brandon and Miss Mitchell. |
I also found this amongst Brandon's school work and thought it was an interesting piece of work. This year he really has taken a keen interest in learning about space and the solar system. |
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