Today was Brandon's very last day at Abacus Junior school as he has now broken up for the summer and will then continue his adventure at Beauchamps senior school in September. Obviously due to Covid-19 it was by no means a normal send off and to be honest Brandon really didn't seem bothered or phased by any of it.
As with Holly the school had arranged a farewell picnic for Year 6 leavers but again only one parent could go, so once again I missed out. Some of the usual activities took place such as a year end signing book, writing on each others t-shirts and a tunnel walk through all the parents as they exited the school for the very last time.
Brandon got some lovely cards and gifts from the school including his leavers t-shirt with all their names on it, an Abacus school USB stick, a framed picture with the class as emoji characters, some bubbles to play with and a few other bits and pieces. Then once they had finished school he met up with all of his mates over the park for some food and a farewell play.
Brandon also brought home his school report but as with Holly's there is not much to read in to it given that they have missed so much schooling this year. Brandon appears to be where he should be for his age in all areas except writing (which surprises me as his writing is very good). His report also has some very nice general comments about and how he has flourished in smaller bubble groups as pats of the Covid situation. The report also mentions that he is a keen artist that produces some very good work and also that he loves PE (especially team sports) - no surprise there.
Brandon setting of for Abacus for the final time wearing his class of 2020 t-shirt.
Where did those 7 years go????
Some of the Year 6 2020 leavers.
Tina and Brandon at the Year 6 leavers picnic today.
Brandon with one of his teachers, Mrs Peck.
Brandon with Mrs Lee.
Then with Mrs Fergerson.
And last but not least Mrs Bright.
Brandon exits school for the final time along a tunnel of teachers and parents, side by side with Zac.
Most of the Year 6 kids wearing their leavers shirts given to them by the school.
The "20" on the back of the shirt is made up of all the names of the class of 2020 students.
Brandon was a little lazy getting people to write on his shirt so Tina chased around and did most of it for him!
Can you spot Brandon's emoji character in the framed picture.
A little keepsake to go in Brandon's box.
Brandon's USB stick gift from the school and is class of 2020 autograph book.
Some lovely words to Brandon in his card from his head teacher, Mrs Blakely. |
And some equally nice words from his main teacher, Mrs Mitchell.
Celebrating the end of their Juniors and Brandon is smiling for once. |
Showing off their Class of 2020 leavers t-shirts.
Chaos as t-shirts are left everywhere for people to be able to sign with some sort of social distancing rather than writing on them whilst wearing them!
Brandon's last ever school report from Abacus.
Some very nice general comments in the report to set Brandon up for his next journey in the seniors.
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