Saturday, 16 July 2022

Holly's Sports Ambassador Award

As the kids enter the final week of school fore the summer holidays we are starting to see the end of year awards and reports coming in. It is nice to be able to say they have all completed a full academic year at school which is nothing short of a miracle after the previous 2 years of disruption with Covid-19 and the home schooling.

Anyway Holly has rounded her year off by supporting the other years in her school in her role as Sports Ambassador. For being such a great ambassador for the year the school also presented her with a nice certificate to thank her for all her efforts and ideas.

Holly's end of year report was also very good. Although her reading, writing and speech are all below where she should be for her age (which on the face of it you would think is bad), this was completely offset by the fact that she showed maximum levels of effort in all subjects. To me this means everything as not everyone is academically inclined, but everyone is capable of putting in maximum effort without any excuses and as we have told Holly before, if you keep putting in the effort, the grades and improvements will soon follow.

Holly finishing off her Year 3 in her Sports Ambassador role.

The school presented Holly with a certificate for all her hard work.

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