Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Josh and Brandon's School Design Technology Projects & Holly's Picture of the Queen

The kids are now 1 week in to their 6 week summer holiday and not too much to update as me and Tina have been working. Other than that we have been doing lots of shopping in preparation for our big holiday to Florida in 3 weeks time.

As usual before finishing up for school the kids brought home various projects and books showing off their school work for this term. In design technology Brandon had built a wooden sweet dispenser and Joshua had built and electronic amplifier / desk mount for a mobile phone. I am not quite sure how Brandon's dispenser works and the sweets in the jar don't seem to be going down much.

As for Joshua's electronic amplifier - well the only thing that worked on it was the switch and the LED. He had the speaker wires short circuited and lots of dry joints with his soldering. So about 10 minutes of my time re-heating the solder joints and rewiring the speaker and it finally works.

Finally Holly done a really amazing portrait of the Queen as part of the Jubilee celebrations.

Brandon's sweet dispenser he made at school, no idea how it works!

Joshua's phone amplifier/speaker which needed a bit of reworking from me.

But finally I managed to get it working for him.

And finally Holly's amazing portrait of the Queen.

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