Day 8 and we visited the absolutely stunning Discovery Cove which we had to book months in advance as they only allow a limited number of people in per day. Discovery Cove is an all inclusive day we you can snorkel with a wide variety of marine life, have a dolphin encounter, or simply enjoy the beauty of the lazy river and beach areas. Unfortunately we booked too late for the Dolphin Experience but to be honest I am glad we didn't pay the extra for this as it was more of a dolphin encounter than a dolphin swim. The many dolphins that were at Discovery Cover were so tame and friendly that they came right up to the edge of the water anyway (as shown in some of the pictures).
Discovery Cove is so well organised that they provide animal friendly sun cream for all visitors in addition to prescription snorkel goggles if you normally wear glasses. They provide all the beach towels, free lockers, free parking and pretty much as much food and drink as you can take on board. So whilst it is an expensive day, I think it is well worth the money.
I know I keep saying it, but I think Discovery Cove was probably one of the best days of the holiday for us. We all thoroughly enjoyed the day and the kids were absolutely amazed with having the experience of being able to snorkel with the sea life. Brandon and Joshua were both getting very good at diving with a snorkel in order to get up even closer to some of the bigger sharks and rays. The hammer heads and reef sharks were kept behind a glass wall which enabled you to view them, but obviously you couldn't snorkel directly with them.
Holly was very brave snorkeling with the animals at the start of the day, but then as the day went on she seemed to get more and more scared of the rays thinking that they would sting her. Anyway loads of great pictures today, mostly of the sea life.
Welcome. |
Holly with her Discovery Cove pass sitting down for breakfast before starting our activities. |
Once we were "creamed up" we headed straight for the snorkel area where we were greeted by an abundance of sea life. |
You could do over 100 scuba dives and never see as many rays as we got to see in Discovery Cove. |
Joshua diving down with a snorkel to get closer to a ray. |
A little reef shark. |
As you can see, you can get pretty close up to sharks. |
More sharks. |
And more. |
I think this was Holly's first time snorkeling and she took to it like a fish to water (no pun intended). |
The sharks didn't bother Holly as they were behind a glass wall. |
We got to snroekl through whole shoals of tropical fish. |
And this rather large and rather unusual ray shark. |
These species seemed to like just sleeping on the sandy sea bed. |
Joshua snorkeling down to give you an idea of the size of the ray shark. |
Then Brandon's turn. |
More of Brandon diving. The ray shark is as long as he is. |
Trusting the boys with my camera to get a picture of me diving. |
Another great shot of Brandon underwater. |
Holly was growing in confidence early in the day. |
A little hammerhead shark. |
Another shot of the hammerhead. |
You can get really close to some amazing looking fish. Just look at the colours and markings. |
Love seeing the ripple reflections of crystal clear water on the ray shark. |
The rays are so used to the humans that they just effortlessly glide past you and even between your legs. |
Time for a quick refreshment break before getting back to it. |
What a great shot of a bullnose ray. |
Two species of rays gliding along the sea bed together. |
Again lovely water reflections on the rays skin. |
The beautiful markings of an eagle ray. |
Another action shot of B diving underwater. |
More rays, as you can see I was very trigger happy with the camera. |
Brandon with a very large ray. |
Again the beautiful markings on the eagle ray. |
I never realised how cute a little armadillo was! |
Lush plants all around Discovery Cove. |
Time to explore the lazy river. |
Tina, Josh, Brandon and Holly at the entrance to the cave. |
Inside the cave. |
Brandon trying ti duck out of the way of another photo. |
Holly inside the cave. |
Brandon and Joshua snorkeling through the cave. |
Just pure beauty. |
Crystal clear waters make for great underwater shots. |
Under the waterfall we go. |
And out the other side. |
Holly with a float to help her around the lazy river where there are some deeper parts. |
Happy times. |
Where is everyone else? |
Joshua chilling. |
Brandon trying to make a rock/stone tower. |
What funny shaped legs. |
Being in the water most of the day really helped stay cool on another scorcher of a day. |
More beautiful scenery at Discovery Cove. |
Holly posing behind a waterfall. |
Solar panel Brandon. |
Yes me made a rock/stone tower. Couldn't get much above 5 or 6 though. |
Another underwater shot of Brandon. |
And again, he was absolutely loving it and get very good at diving with a snorkel. |
I have never seen a ray like that before, just look at those markings. |
The picture doesn't do the size of this fish justice. Not sure if it was a grouper or something but it was huge. Joshua estimated at least 400-500lb's. |
Laying around in the shallows. |
Tranquil, exotic, beautiful.... |
We even got to watch some otters from the water. |
What a great idea, some relaxing chairs in the water. Time to soak up some rays (sun rays that is). |
Another aterfall. |
All 3 kids getting on well and having a great day out. |
Holly on the lazy river again. |
Don't ask - yes Brandon was being rude with his noodle! |
As you can see the dolphins came up really close to the edge of the water. It was asif they wanted you to go and play with them. |
Or throw them a fish. |
A last look at the sharks before the inclement weather hits again. |
A great day out and we got to see so much sea life. |
For some reason Holly got really scared of the rays by the end of the day and wouldn't go near them. |
Then the inclement weather came over and eveyrone had to get out of the water. |
Just an amazing place. |
And farewell from the dolphins as well. |
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