Tuesday 27 September 2022

Southend United Ball Boy

The weekend before last Brandon was invited to be a ball boy for the day for the Southend United Vs Wexham game at Roots Hall. Whilst the game wasn't great Brandon had an absolute blast and it was a really good opportunity for him to bond further with his new team. In addition to that he got to have a tour around the stadium and meet all the first team players as well as having front row seats for the game.

As Tina was sleeping after working nights I had to take Joshua and Brandon with me as well. So another first for Holly as this was her first proper football match experience. She lasted about 15 mins before getting bored and then sitting on her IPad.

Academy U14's in their ball boy tracksuits and making a guard of honour for the players.

Typical Brandon looking away from the camera.

There he is.

Waiting on the sidelines for the players to be ready to enter on to the pitch.

Last minute instructions for the team.

Back stage and getting a briefing on what is expected and how to behave as a ball boy.

Brandon's new football team at Southend - the Academy U14's.

Out come the Wexham players.

He refused a picture with the Southend mascot though!

Academy Soccer U14's with the Southend United first team.

Academy U14's with Sammy the shrimp.

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