Saturday 2 March 2024

Academy Soccer Half Term Go Karting

During half term some of Brandon's Academy Soccer Team decided to go go-karting as their match was called off due to rain. Brandon obviously wanted to go as he loves karting and we would usually take the two boys sometime during half term anyway.

The football team are so competitive with each other and a few of them have done a lot of karting in the past, so I was actually really looking forward to just going along and watching. I secretly hoped Brandon would do well and he was certainly wanted to be in the top one or two but played it very cool.

When we arrived there I asked Brandon if he would wear one of the silly helmet covers so that I could easily tell where he was on the track. He initially declined but then I asked the rest of the team f they would wear them and they were well up for it. So due to peer pressure Brandon had to give in and have a silly helmet cover as well.

The group they were in had a full track of some 16+ karts and Brandon was absolutely outstanding. He won both sessions beating one of his team mates, Jack who was very good and had to settle for second both times (he wasn't a happy chap as he expected to win!). Brandon even went on to set himself a new PB around this track in the second race.

Academy Soccer half term karting with silly helmet covers.

Brandon had to reluctantly give in to peer pressure otherwise he would have been the odd one out.

The boys getting ready to go out on track.

Brandon in action.

First race and Brandon tops the table beating his team mate Jck.

Second race and Brandon again tops the table with a new PB of 39.854 sec. I think he was the only one to go under 40 seconds out of his group.

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